How Marketing is the Difference Between the Life and Death of Your Network
October 1 – 4:40 pm to 5:20 pm
Shore Room
Far too often municipal broadband networks are considered, launched, or even operated without giving consideration to the most critical component there is to drive technology adoption: marketing. The fatal flaw amongst professionals who inherently understand the benefits and innovation possibilities of high-speed broadband is the belief that the building of the network is the hardest hurdle.
This session will bring together three experts in the field of broadband marketing to review hits and misses and how to ensure that when you’ve built it, uptake happens! This session will explore why broadband is an exercise in marketing a new technology versus a utility and review what drives both residential and commercial take rates.
The panelists will each present case studies and engage in a lively discussion covering everything from building support and political will to inspiring households to forego a cable box and commit to a municipal broadband solution.

Bob Knight
Harrison Edwards Strategic Communications: Executive VP & COO
Doug Adams