Curtis Dean
SmartSource Consulting: President
Curtis Dean has been involved in community broadband for 22 years. He has served or is currently providing services as implementation coordinator for new fiber networks in the Iowa communities of Indianola, Vinton, New Hampton, and Pella.
Starting at Spencer Municipal Utilities, Curtis was closely involved in the planning and implementation of a new municipal broadband utility, approved by Spencer voters in 1997. As part of the leadership team for that project, Curtis developed the business plans for the cable TV, telephone, and high-speed data services that the new utility would offer.
In 2011, Curtis joined the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities as Broadband Services Coordinator, providing support for Iowa’s telecommunications utilities. In 2015 he established SmartSource Consulting to provide services to small telecommunications services, including project management, marketing, and strategic planning. Working with Kielkopf Advisory Services, Curtis has performed Community Broadband Studies in several Iowa communities, including Pre-Feasibility studies currently underway in Fort Dodge and Red Oak, Iowa.
Curtis holds a Bachelor of Arts from Buena Vista University and an Executive Master of Public Administration from the University of South Dakota.