Try It, You’ll Like It! Community Broadband Planning in Eugene, Oregon
October 1 – 3:45 pm to 4:30 pm
Shore Room
Community Broadband Planning, and one Case Study Project: Fiber in Electric Conduit and Eugene, Oregon’s Public/Private Partnership: Ensuring Competition and Choice for High Bandwidth Connectivity
This session will illustrate how Eugene, Oregon developed a formal Community Broadband Plan which has successfully supported elected officials’ policy directives and new telecommunications technology pilot projects. The session will include a case study of one such project receiving a lot of national attention. Pam will describe how staff researched, funded, and implemented an innovative, yet sustainable practice of using existing electric conduit to house fiber micro duct. It will highlight how the City partnered with private providers to serve customers by promoting competition and choice in Eugene’s downtown tech hub before they could leave our community for a larger urban environment where higher speeds and lower pricing existed. Session attendees will then understand then why the Eugene City Council endorsed and funded a 125-building expansion of the project.